Call for case examples for behavioural insights in health
WHO (headquarters and Regional Office for Europe) are developing an investment case for behavioural insights in health.
The essential role of behaviours in health is well documented. The health behavioural science field of research has evolved rapidly over the last 15 years; however, there are many knowledge gaps, not least when it comes to cost. There is an urgent need for evidence to show if investment in this field is warranted, as well as what level of investment is reasonable in different types of projects. One reason why this evidence is not readily available is that cost-effectiveness is often not included as a factor in published work related to behavioural insights in health.
WHO (headquarters and Regional Office for Europe) is seeking to build the case for investment in behavioural insights in health. We will develop an investment case document that will synthesize available evidence, demonstrate value through case examples and propose a way forward.
We are searching for case examples where behavioural insights made a documented difference in health. We will select 4-6 examples that will be featured in a global publication as best practice. If the case example does not involve an economic analysis, we will develop one together.
Your help in contributing a case example is greatly appreciated! Inspiring examples will help advance this important field of work.
We're delighted if you will help spread the word. If you know people you think could contribute, please get in touch with them!
Sharing your case example is easy. Click here to complete the submission form with just a few screening questions.
The submission deadline is 30th September 2024.