Annual progress report 2023: Behavioural and cultural insights at the WHO Regional Office for Europe
This document reports highlights related to behavioural and cultural insights (BCI) at the WHO Regional Office for Europe in 2023. In September 2022, Member States of the WHO European Region unanimously adopted a regional resolution and 5-year action framework for BCI for health, highlighting five strategic commitments. In 2023, for the first time, countries1 reported on their use of BCI in health across the five commitments, and throughout the year the WHO Regional Office for Europe collaborated closely with Member States and partners to advance the implementation of these commitments. This involved the planning and initiating of BCI research and interventions together with several countries with the aim of creating more people-centred health policies, services and communication, and improving health outcomes. Several trainings and in-country workshops were organized to build capacity and strengthen advocacy for BCI implementation across the Region. This work was delivered by the BCI Unit and other technical units in close collaboration with country experts, stakeholders, partner organizations and colleagues in WHO country and field offices, geographically dispersed offices and headquarters.