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Implementing resolution EUR/RC72/R1: WHO regional meeting on behavioural and cultural insights for health

Report | |

This meeting report summarizes key points, discussions and conclusions from a regional meeting held on 12–14 September 2023 in Copenhagen, Denmark, to advance the implementation of a 5-year European regional action framework on behavioural and cultural insights (‎BCI)‎ for health. In total, 112 participants attended the meeting: representatives of 48 Member States, nine partner organizations, and WHO headquarters and four regional offices. Participants discussed the status of five strategic commitments related to BCI made by Member States: engaging stakeholders; conducting research; using BCI to inform health policies service sand communication; investing human and financial resources; and implementing strategic plans for BCI. These discussions were informed by Member States’ reporting to WHO on their BCI-related activities and an interview study with national BCI focal points that explored barriers and drivers to using BCI in public health. Participants agreed that BCI is underfunded, organizational cultures often hinder efficient use of BCI, and there is a great need for capacity-building. Despite this, the meeting demonstrated widespread enthusiasm for BCI and a call for a strong community of practice across countries was voiced. The WHO Regional Office for Europe will follow up this meeting with further meetings, advocacy and technical support.

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