CALM offers online support to suicidal and distressed men (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
CALM is a suicide prevention organization that initially targeted young men but recently expanded its remit to include all men. There is a focus on using everyday, nonmedical language (e.g. “feeling shit” rather than “being depressed”) to connect with men. Consistent with evidence that role models who exhibit masculinity capital can influence men’s help-seeking behaviour, CALM recruits high-profile musicians, actors and comedians as ambassadors to communicate with men using straightforward terms rather than psychological language. Moreover, recognizing that men can struggle to talk openly about mental health issues with friends and family and to seek help, CALM offers free, confidential and anonymous helpline and webchat services, which enables men to retain a sense of personal control. The organization promotes men’s mental health in community venues ranging from prisons to universities and workplaces, where it signposts relevant services. It also carries out campaigning activities that challenge traditional notions of masculinity and encourage help-seeking with the help of ambassadors:
We campaign with media partners, brands and ambassadors to spread awareness of suicide and its devastating impact with campaigns like #Project84, #DontBottleItUp and The Best Man Project. We challenge boring male stereotypes and encourage positive behavioural change and help-seeking behaviour, using cultural touch points like art, music, sport and comedy.
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash