Many of the most important pieces of public health advice are also the simplest. They include: being more active, taking medication as prescribed, eating a balanced diet, avoiding tobacco and harmful use of alcohol, getting vaccinated, going for check-ups or screenings, and so on…. Yet it is not always easy to do what we know is healthy. The new WHO flagship initiative on behavioural and cultural insights aims to help Member States gain insights into the underlying barriers to and drivers of health.
WHO/Europe has identified 4 flagship initiatives to complement the European Programme of Work, which sets out health priorities for the coming 5 years.
These flagship initiatives are intended as accelerators of change, mobilizing around critical issues that feature prominently on the agendas of Member States and for which high-visibility, high-level political commitment can be transformative.
This series of short films introduces the flagship initiatives and highlights their importance and relevance in supporting united action for better health through the European Programme of Work.